Friday, 12 February 2010

Today is the last day of our internet training in Zanzibar mafunzo ambayo yalijukuisha wanahabari wa vyombo mbalimbali vya habari vya hapa Zanzibar kama vile TVZ,Zenj fm,Chuchu fm, sauti ya Tanzania Zanzibar,gazeti la habari leo na vingine ambavto pia vilikuwepo,haya ni maelezo mafupi tu juu ya kile tukichojifunza toka siku ya kwanza ya tarehe 8-12 feb 2010

Kwakweli numejifunza mengi pia nimeenjoy kukutana baadhi ya wanahabari ambao pia wamenipa uzoefu wao katika fani hii ya habari,but all in all nitakuwa mchoyo wa fadhila kama sitosema ahsante kwa Peik who was our trainer for 4 day teaching us on how we can open our own blog,to find websites of other media also by giving us alot of practical assigniment amabzo zilinifanya nijifunze zaidi,Peik you cant believe that I didnt know how I can open my own blog but for your training now I know so thank you very much and I wish some day you can come here again for more training so that we can get more things from you,also natoa shukurani zangu kwa Majid Mjengwa ambaye yeye ametufundisha siku ya mwisho ya mafunzo yetu juu ya jinsi gani tunaweza kufanya uhariri wa picha katika blog zetu ingawa darasa lake lilikuwa fupi but nimejifunza mengi pia kwani nilijaribu kufanya uhariri wa moja ya picha nilizonazo niliweza so thank you very much mr.
Mwisho kabisa niwashukuru washiriki mwenzangu wote kwa usshirikiano wao kwangu kwani nao pia wamenisaidia sana katika kubadilishana mawazo pia kunipa ule uzoefu wao katika kazi hivyo kuwa changamoto kubwa kwangu ukizingatia mimi bado ni mchanga katika fani hii ya habari hivyo kwa kuanzia hapa naamini huu utakuwa ni mwanzo wa mimi kuendelea kujifunza mengi from others


Aland islands (Aland in Swedish, Ahvenanmaa in Finnish) ni kisiwa ambacho kipo baina ya nch ya Sweden kwa upande wa mashariki na kusini kimepakana na Finland, kutoka mashariki ya mji mkuu wa Stockholm, (Sweden) ni mwendo usipungua mile 65.

Asili hasa ya kisiwa hiki ni kutoka kwa watu wa Nordic, na kwa sasa kisiwa hiki kinajulikana kwa jina la Alanders. Watu wakisiwa hiki wameendelea kadri siku zinvyokuwa na zaida majino yao yanapatikana kutokana na kutenganishwa kwao na bahari na ndio tofauti pekee iliyopo kwa watu wa mataifa ya Scandinavians,ingawa mpaka sasa watu waishio katika kisiwa hichi wwanachukuliwa kuwa ni watu wenye asili ya Sweden.

Asilimia kubwa ya watu wa kisiwa hicho utamaduni wao ni wamataifa ya Sweden na
Danish kama ilvyo kwa Zanzibar utamaduni wao ni wa nchi za kiarabu,mpaka sasa hivi katika kipindi hiki cha sayansi na tekinolojia kisiwa hicho kiko chini ya uangalizi wa nchi ya Sweden na Finland na ni miongoni mwa visiwa 6,500 vilivyomo,kwa ufupi hayo ndo maelezo mafupi niliyoweza kuyatoa juu ya kisiwa cha Aland huko Finland
Source na

Thursday, 11 February 2010

This is what peik taught us on forth day 11.2.2010

On forth day of our training we discussed many issue and doing alot of prctical training like telling what we know about Freddie Mercury,and Abdulrazak Gurnah connection with Zanzibar and as you can see to my previous post i tried to tell what i know about them which is Freddie Mercury is musician born in Zanzibar live in england but now he is dead also about Abdulrazak Gurnah is a novol writer live in Britain born in Zanzibar so you can find that is the connection between those two people with Zanzibar.

Also peik told us to find the web we can find Uefa champions league and its details concerning matches,time of match,ground and the place,not only that but also we find the website of confedaration of african union(Caf).And the last task to give us is practical assignment which he gave us an option to choose to write a short story concerning Barack Obama child hood to seach information and to compile short feature story,to explain why some people in different countries are boycotting products of the Nesttle company,to tell about WTC7 building in new york and what happened to it on sept 11 2001,to such for information on the Aland island which are an autonomous area of Finland and what is similarities with Zanzibar,so on those issue every one has to choose one ,in short that is what we have been taught by Peik Johansson today

Abdulrazak Gurnah

Najua itakuwa ngumu sana kwa vijana wa ulimwengu wa leo kumjua mtu huyu kutokana vijana kutofatilia kwa makini mambo kama haya hasa kwa wale ambao hawako mashuleni ama vyuoni
Hapa na mzungumzia Abdulrazak Gurnah ambaye ni mzaliwa wa Zanzibar,Gurnah amezaliwa mwaka 1948 katka kisiwa cha Zanzibar pwani ya Afrika mashariki,mwaka 1968 alienda Uk kama mwanafunzi ingawa safari yake hiyo ilikuwa ya utata sana kutokana na mazingira ya wakati huo hasa katika upande wa elimu kwani kwa wakati huo chuo ikikuu kilikuwa kimoja katika Afrika mashariki ambacho ni Makerere hivyo yeye aliamua kuvuka mipaka na kuelekea uingereza kwa lengo la kujiendeleza kielimu ambapo baada ya kumaliza kusoma alikuwa anafundisha katika chuo cha Kent.

Mbali ya kuwa alikuwa anafundisha lakini pia Gurnah ni mwandishim wa vitabu ambapo vitabu vyake vitatu vya kwanza ni memory of departure(1987), pilgrims away(1988) na dottie(1990),katika miaka yote aliyoishi uingereza hakuwahi kurudi nyumbani lakini baada ya miaka 20 alirudi Zanzibar kusalimia,Gurnah kwa sasa anaishi uingereza na ameoa .Amewahi kupata prize and award kwa kitabu chake itwacho paradise (1994),by the sea(2001).

A story about Freddie Mercury

Today is the forth day of our training the first practical training to do today is to tell about Freddie Mercury who was an artist born in sotne town Zanzibar 1946Freddie Mercury alikuwa ni kiongozi mwimbaji wa kundi la Queens.Alipotimiza miaka 17 Mercury na familia yake wate walihama moja kwa moja na kuhamia Uingereza kutokana na mapinduzi ya Zanzibar,baada ya kufika uinngereza aliendelea na kazi zake za music ingawa utagundua kuwa ni msanii ambaye amepitia misukosuko mingi sana mpaka kuwa rock star duniani,hizi ni baadhi tu ya nyimbo ambazo aliziimba na zikaashika chati na kumpa umaarufu zenyewe ni kama vile we are the champion,under the pressure na nyingine nyingi,Mercury alifariki mwaka 1991 kwa ugonjwa wa ukimwi
Kwa ufupi huyo ndio Freddie Metrcury ambaye kwa sasa hatuponae tena duniani

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Today is wednesday of 10 feb 2010 is the third day of pur training,so i would like to tell some few things which we have done today since morning,we started on what we left yesterday on internet in everyday jounalism especial looking ways a journalist can benefit from internet and we see that we can do that by searching news for fact,also we see on how we can search information by using internet so we find tha on 2004 there were13 billions websites,also peik told us on how we can find the information that we want so he told us we have to know what we are searching for.

Peik also taught us on how we can presidents name,capital city of different countries and tha was an assignment he gave us we find president Barack Obama phone number,background of Bolivian president,capital city of Burkina Faso also he gave us an assgniment of finding contact information on malaria outbreak in Kagera district.
At last we did practical assgnment on contact information searching for media council of Tanzania,Zain Tanzania,Tanapa the last one is about GREEN BELT MOVEMENT to tell what is it which is a non-profit grassroots non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Kenya and a got that meaning after reading a story about Wangari Maathai and i found that in short i can say that green belt movement means undeveloped land like agriculture land,forest,health land,wild coutry around town or city,so that is what i had today and those are some not all what i have done is trying to make a summary on what peik tought us today, so thank you very much Peik.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Katika ufunguzi wa semina yetu ambayo imeanza jumatatu ya tarehe 8feb 2010 tulianza kwa kupewa introduction juu ya maswala ya internet then tulielezwa mambo makuu manne mabayo nimuhimu katika maswala ya internet hasa kwa wanahabari kutokana na umihimu wa mambo hayo ni kutumia internet kwa ajili ya mawasiliano,uchapishaji,utafiti na kufuatilia habari,hayo ni mambo muhimu sana kwa mwanahabari yeyote anaejali na kuthamini kazi yake.

Also we had a lecture on how the internet change the sociaty,comminication and youth whichi taught by Mr Peik ,who is a journalist training consultant from FinlandPeik taught us how to open our own blog sites,how we can buy a ticket through internet,how we can do shopping,he also showed us some websites like slashdot,,how to use wikipedia and we did some practical on some of the issue like opening our own blogs,that was about day one on manday 8feb 2010

Day2 on 9feb 2010 he continue on what we left on monday then continue by showing and teach us on how we can reach on internet world statistics,here we find different statistics from different countries,also showed us which countries were the first on using internet and countries fallowed after from 2006

Also from what we have been taught we get some more international websites which we can find news and some other information like Cnnworld,,,, Pambazuka news, so in short those are some of them ans that is what we have been taught today